The Alice Smith School master plan delivers the concepts for developing the learning landscape over the coming years for both our Primary and Secondary Campuses. The plan will prioritise the development of spaces that encourage collaboration, creativity, and personal growth, ultimately creating a more supportive and enriching learning environment for all students.
A critical aspect of redesigning learning spaces is engaging with our students, teachers, parents, and community members in the conceptual stages of our plan. This ensures that the new environments reflect the needs and aspirations of those using them. This collaborative approach brings a sense of ownership and commitment to the success of the redesigned spaces.
Guided by leading experts in the field of learning environments, a collaborative approach is maintained throughout the planning process.
A/Prof Ben Cleveland, Co-Director of LEarN (Learning Environments Applied Research Network) and Associate Professor in Learning Environments at the University of Melbourne's Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in creating innovative learning spaces.
Craig Brown and his team from McIldowie Partners, renowned for their work in independent schools across Australia and New Zealand, offer an exceptional level of expertise in designing contemporary spaces for learning and establishing community hubs through school facilities.
Watch the video below and tune in to our podcast to learn more.