Unable to find a suitable school for her daughter in Kuala Lumpur, Alice Fairfield-Smith, a biology graduate from Harvard University and an experienced teacher, set up the school in her home in Jalan Eaton. In doing so, she founded the first British international school in Malaysia.
In the spirit of Alice Smith, we constantly look to evolve the learning experience of our students, balancing the latest pedagogic research and learning tools, with the deep experience of educators who have been part of Alice Smith for years and those bringing new perspectives.
Each child is known and appreciated at Alice Smith.
Always encouraged to forge their own paths.
To be fearless like Alice Smith.
To spark courageous exploration to inspire a better world.
It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, so by bringing a shared PURPOSE across our community and our network, we bring everyone along on the journey of helping our children find their own true north.
One of the things that makes Alice Smith different is that sense of community and belonging. PURPOSE deepens that sense of belonging by bringing our community together.
According to the words of our favourite song: ‘Soon there were two, who were joined by a few’.
Alice Smith started a movement with just two people. That single brave act sparked a positive chain reaction. She inspired other families to join her on her journey, creating a nurturing environment for generations of learners and a home away from home for thousands of families.
In that same vein, we keep the Alice Smith spirit alive by building a nurturing community that encourages our students to explore the world with courage, curiosity and compassion.
To build a better world together.
We are a diverse collective of experts and curious minds, working together to push the boundaries of education to lead learning for an ever-changing world.
We encourage students to explore different paths with courage and curiosity, in an environment that empowers them to make an impact as their best self.
We are a supportive, connected community that innovates, explores and learn together.